Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia is a condition when blood sugar or glucose levels in the body are below normal levels. If the glucose level is very low, the muscles and cells in the brain will lack energy so that it cannot work properly. Low blood sugar can occur in someone who hasn't eaten for several hours. However, low blood sugar is more common in people with diabetes due to the use of insulin drugs or antidiabetic drugs taken. The risk of reducing blood sugar will be greater in diabetics who exercise heavier than usual, eat less than usual or undergo a diet that is too strict, and consume alcoholic beverages. How to Prevent Low Blood Sugar For those of you who are vulnerable to hypoglycemia, or diabetics who want to avoid low blood sugar, the following ways can be done to prevent this condition: Check blood sugar levels regularly Be diligent in checking blood sugar levels according to the advice of a doctor. You can do a blood sugar check yourself using a glucomete...